
iOS DLNA Players

I though I’d update my iPhone DLNA Players roundup.

I’m a fan of Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) because of its promise of using standards-based technology to make it easier for consumers to use, share and enjoy their digital photos, music and videos. When I got my Buffalo Linkstation, I started streaming movies and music from it to the Playstation 3. But I had to stay in front of the TV.

When I got the iPhone 4 and later the iPad, I got media players that I can use anywhere in the house. I was lucky enough to be able to get VLC from the App Store while it was available. However, it meant copying files using iTunes to the iPhone. Somewhat, archaic to say the least and definitely a far cry from what’s possible with DLNA. So I went around searching for a DLNA player. Here is the result of my research.

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Hanna is a spy thriller and growing-of-age drama. Sort of like Leon but different, quite different. Erik (Eric Bana) is a widowed ex-CIA officer living in remote isolation with his daughter Hanna. He is raising Hanna to prepare her for going out into the world. And that world just happens to be a worst case scenario. Toss in shades of the Grimms’ fairy tales (e.g. Cate Blanchett is “The Witch”) and the almost surreal (watch it) and you have a quite an interesting movie. The action choreography needs a bit of work but is quite passable.

Sitting Side By Side

Last night, Michelle was having a hard time dealing with Jeanne and dinner. So I invited Jeanne to the bedroom with a small bag of candies. Since the bed is off limits to food, I sat on the floor and leaned on the wall. Jeanne did the same. And we sat side by side eating candies :)

Capacitive Pen

One of Jeanne’s favorite iPad apps is a drawing and painting app. It saves on paper and minimizes the risk of her writing on other things. Unfortunately, unless it’s finger painting, drawing and painting using fingers doesn’t exactly train her on the motor skills for actual drawing, painting, and eventually writing. Enter the capacitive pen. I’ve been planning to get one for some time. So it was quite timely when James gave me one from his trip to the US. Thanks, James!

Only problem is that there are bits of metal on the pen. So to minimize chances of it scratching the screen, I was forced to install a screen protector. Now that was a chore! It took me 5 tries before I was satisfied, i.e. the display area is clear of dust and bubbles. Even so, there were still some dust specks here and there. But since they were on the border, I can overlook them.

US Rating Downgrade

So S&P downgraded the credit rating of the US from AAA to AA+.  What are the implications? I think, nothing. Rating agencies such as S&P might be applicable for companies and even governments but when you’re talking the US it’s different. Japan and China, with their huge holdings of US debt won’t really base their own rating and pricing from some rating agency. And in self interest, they certainly won’t simply let their holdings lose value which would be the case if yields rise due to the ratings downgrade. These large holders are the rating agencies when it comes to the US. Already Japan has indicated that their confidence is unchanged and China with it’s bigger holdings is likely of the same mind.