This morning, when I got to my desk and opened the browser, I read the news: Steve Jobs has resigned. And I was just thinking about him as I was driving to work. Thinking about his impact to Apple and the industry. He is a visionary. His ideas, principles, and philosophies (much influenced by Zen) are what formed Apple and its products to what they are today: less technical and more functional. Or more simply put: simple and works.
His resignation is the end of an era for Apple. This is the second such ending since. Back in the 80s, he was forced out of Apple in a management squabble. After his departure, Apple faltered as it went about with the wrong vision and direction. Practically only his return revitalized the company.
Hopefully, it won’t happen this time around. Most importantly, he wasn’t forced out. He would have his succession plan, his people, and his roadmap in place. And he had succeeded in making Apple the most valuable company in terms of market capitalization. Such mass carries a lot of momentum. These will help Apple continue along his envisioned path.