A Condensed History of The Holy Land

The Holy Land, centered around Jerusalem, is the region in the Middle East which is considered sacred by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam due to its significance in their respective religious histories and scriptures. It has changed hands between different ethnic groups and empires. It has seen never-ending strife. When peace comes to this land is probably when peace comes to this world.

Time PeriodControlling EntityEvents/Notes
3300-2000 BCCanaanitesEmergence of Canaanite City-States
2000-1550 BCCanaanites
1550-1200 BCCanaanites, Egypt
1200-1050 BCIsraelites, PhilistinesCollapse of Canaanite City-States;
Arrival of Israelites; Israelites are a Canaanite sub-group that left the area prior possibly due to famine or war.
Arrival of the Philistines; Philistines are genetically linked to ancient peoples of Greece, Italy, and Spain; The Philistines settled along the coastal plain in cities such as Gaza, Ashkelon, Enron (modern-day Gaza Strip); This area became known as Philistia;
Israelites and Philistines were arch-enemies.
1050-930 BCUnited Kingdom of IsraelFirst Temple built.
930 BCKingdom of Israel and Kingdom of JudahUnited Kingdom of Israel split.
930-720 BCKingdom of Israel
720-612 BCAssyrian EmpireFall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, Assyrian exile, the lost ten tribes.
930-586 BCKingdom of Judah
586-539 BCBabylonian EmpireFall of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, destruction of the First Temple, Babylonian exile. Philistia was also conquered and destroyed around this time.
539-332 BCYehud MedinataReturn from Babylonian exile; Autonomous province under the Persians; Second Temple built.
332-312 BCMacedonian Empire (Greek)
312-140 BCSeleucid Empire (Greek)
140-63 BCHasmonean Kingdom of JudeaThe Maccabees and the Hasmonean Dynasty
63-37 BCHasmonean Kingdom of JudeaVassal state of the Romans under the Hasmonean Dynasty
37 BC- 6ADHerodian Kingdom of JudeaVassal state of the Romans under Herod the Great
6-636 ADRoman/Byzantine EmpireRoman province of Judaea (Latin for Judah).
66-73 ADRoman EmpireFirst Jewish-Roman War; Destruction of the Second Temple.
115-117 ADRoman EmpireSecond Jewish-Roman War.
132-136 ADRoman EmpireThird Jewish-Roman War; Bar Kokhba revolt; Exile of the Jews. The Romans renamed Judea to Syria Palaestina, a reference to the Jews’ historical arch-enemies the Philistines and an insult to Jews; The English word is Palestine.
636-661 ADRashidun Caliphate
661-750 ADUmayyad Caliphate Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock built.
750-969 ADAbbasid Caliphate
969-1099 ADFatimid Caliphate
1099-1291Crusader States Fall of Jerusalem to the Crusaders
1187-1250Ayyubid SultanateFall of Jerusalem to Saladin.
1250-1517Mamluk Sultanate
1517-1917Ottoman EmpireDistributed across different administrative units: Eyalet of Syria, Mutasariffate/Sanjak of Jerusalem, Sanjak of Nablus, Sanjak of Akka (Acre).
1st and 2nd Aliyah (going up; immigration of Jews to Israel)
1917-1948British EmpirePalestine Mandate; 2nd-5th Aliyah: 10% Jewish population in 1918, increasing to 80% by 1948. 1947 UN Partition Plan accepted by the Jews, rejected by the Arabs.
1947-1948British EmpireCivil War between Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs.
1948IsraelBritish withdrawal; Israel declares independence.
1948-1949Israel, Egypt, JordanArab-Israeli War; surrounding Arab states invade, taking control of Arab areas and attacking Jewish areas; Repelled by Israel. 
Parts of Palestine occupied by Jordan (West Bank) and Egypt (Gaza Strip).
Nakba (disaster): Arabs fled or expelled from Jewish areas. Palestinian Jews became Israeli Jews; Palestinian Arabs in Israel became Israeli Arabs; Palestinian Arabs outside Israel became Arab refugees.
1949-1967Israel, Egypt, JordanIn the 1960s, the term Palestinian as it is used today was coined: Palestinian Arabs outside Israel became Palestinians.
1967IsraelSix Day War; Israel captures the West Bank from Jordan, the Gaza Strip and the Sinai from Egypt, and the Golan Heights from Syria
1973IsraelYom Kippur War, no change in territory.
1987-1993IsraelFirst Intifada; Oslo Accords
1994-2000Israel, Palestinian AuthorityWest Bank and Gaza under Palestinian Authority.
2000-2005Israel, Palestinian AuthoritySecond Intifada; The West Bank barrier wall built
2005-presentIsrael, Palestinian Authority, HamasWest Bank under Palestinian Authority; Gaza Strip controlled by Hamas.

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