Cooked tinola for lunch today. I had the usual stuff: chicken, chayote, ginger, onion, garlic, and fish sauce. I also have my favorite green leafy vegetable for tinola: moringa, locally known as malunggay. It is a superfood: The leaves are rich in protein, calcium (4x that of milk), potassium (same as a banana), vitamin A (same as a carrot), vitamin B, vitamin C (3x that of an orange) and minerals. The seeds contain 30 to 40% oil that is high in oleic acid which has its own set of healthy benefits. And get this, crushed moringa seeds can be used for water purification to settle out sediments and undesirable organisms! The tree grows quickly in many types of environments and has great potential as one of the weapons in the fight to eradicate hunger. Makes you appreciate it more, yeah?