
Michelle texted this afternoon that her mom, who is at home babysitting Jeanne, was feeling dizzy. Unfortunately, she couldn’t leave work plus I was nearer so I ran out from work, almost literally, and drove home. When I got there, I saw Michelle’s mom looked pale and sick. Good thing a neighbor was there and kept her company.

We quickly proceeded to the nearest hospital. When we got there, the staff wheeled her into the emergency room, lay her on a bed, checked her vital signs, and gave her some medicine. She’s under observation for a bit so Steph, Jeanne, and I had some pizza. Actually just Steph and I. Jeanne wouldn’t eat her slice so I got her some juice and corned beef pan de sal instead.

After an hour or so, we checked on Michelle’s mom again and she seemed better. The doctor prescribed some anti-vertigo medicine and discharged her. After paying, we went back home. Michelle arrived soon after and we went out again to buy the medicine.

Quite an interesting day.


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