Month: June 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

transformersrevengeofthefallenI’ll have to say that I’ve been waiting for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I also have to say I’m a bit disappointed. But then what do you expect from sequels, right?

Story? Not much there. It’s not well thought out and things at times seemed pointless. Revenge of the Fallen, started off where the previous Transformers movie left off. Megatron and his robots have been destroyed but Decepticon incursions remain a part of daily life. Responsible for countering these attacks is a combined unit of  Autobots, old and new, and up-armed Earth special forces.

Apparently, the Decepticons were trying to locate a fragment of the “allspark” to be used to revive Megatron. The good guys , on the other hand, had to revive Optimus Prime, who was conveniently killed by the revived Megatron, and stop the Decepticons from activating a star-destroying superweapon.

All these happened in an overly long, LOUD, action-packed sequence that tended to be confusingly fast and yet managed to be dragging at the same time.

The titular The Fallen was totally unnecessary and was onscreen only a few minutes. He didn’t even last long in the final fight considering so much time allocated to battle scenes.

Rating: 3/5

Terminator: Salvation

terminatorsalvationTerminator and Terminator 2 were pretty good science fiction movies. At the time of their release, the concepts were still pretty far fetched. But things are different 20 years ago. Robots are here and very much active. In Afghanistan, unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs which are essentially flying robots are busy assassinating suspected terrorists. In Iraq, small robots called TALONs are doing highly-dangerous bomb disposal. And the US army are thinking of arming the TALON and converting them into SWORDs. Terminator still far fetched? Definitely not.

And so the newest Terminator movie, Terminator: Salvation, is less of a science fiction movie and more of an action movie. This nature is further reinforced by the use of some current day weapons and vehicles. The action is nothing special but at least it has an epic storyline that ties up neatly with the previous Terminator movies.

Rating: 4/5