Month: June 2007

Of Roses and Temporal Existence

I was told cut roses last a week. That got me reflecting. Roses are such a joy when you look at them, when you smell them, when you touch them. But that is only for a week or so. Then they wilt and are soon gone. The memory lingers but even that too will go.

There are many such things. Some lasts a long time: years, decades, centuries, maybe even eternity. Some last for a much shorter time: months, weeks, days, hours, even seconds. It may be a lamp-lit path, a pond full of lilies, the moon, the stars, a shooting star, a violin playing, people talking, life, friendship, love, and– of course– roses. They all bring moments of joy.

When such moments come along, stop and enjoy that moment for we don’t know if or when it will end. And if it does, don’t be saddened, for that is the way it is and will always be. Just keep in mind, that it was great while it lasted and treasure the memories as they slowly fade away.

Fenris FTX

This morning, I went to UP Diliman to join my airsoft buddies for the Field Training Exercise (FTX) of Team Fenris’ new recruits. I first went to the regular playing field but there was nobody there. I messaged them asking where they were. There was no response so I walked around and did an impromptu photo shoot while waiting.

After some time, Bishop finally answered. He, Half-Pint, and the recruits are at the Palma Hall Parking Area. I quickly scooted over and linked up with them. After a while, Ish arrived and joined us. We basically just chatted while waiting for the recruits to finish their tasks. After a bit of a delay due to clues being taken by passer-bys as well as problems with the clues themselves (200m error, hehe, peace Half-Pint), they finally finished.

We then had a quick lunch before proceeding to the next stage which will be at Area 51, a vast and popular playing field. Unfortunately, I had chores to do so I wasn’t able to join them anymore. I was told it’s going to be a scenario where the recruits would attempt to purchase “weapons”, the deal sours, and there will be a firefight. Would have been fun to watch.

The day wasn’t exactly the return to airsoft I had in mind. But hey, it’s a start! Maybe next time I’ll actually be able to play.

Advanced Fathers’ Day

Just came from Greenbelt 3. My father is in town but he’s leaving on Sunday, Fathers’ Day. So we siblings decided to have an advanced Fathers’ Day dinner with him and our uncle and his family. We went to this place called Cascada because most other places were full.

The food was so not worth it! It took a long time to prepare and serve. You would expect that after such a long wait, it would taste better than it actually was. My food for sure wasn’t any good. Not sure about the others but I didn’t hear any raves either. And it was damn expensive. Now we know why the place wasn’t full.

The one thing that really saved the night, though our uncle wasn’t able to make it, was each others’ company. Now that sure made the night better.


I smile not
For grim and dark
Lies the day before me.
The sun shall shine
Only once the battle ends.
If it shines down
Upon me as i stand on the field,
I shall be glad
For i shall have prevailed.
But if it shines down
Upon my battered corpse,
I shall still be glad
For i shall have fought
To my last breath.
But till then
I smile not.

Coding Day Blues

Today is my coding day. You know, MMDA’s futile and short-sighted attempt at reducing traffic in the metropolis. I wanted to be at the office early so I left home early. It was smooth going all the way till I ran smack into the congestion called Ortigas. I was stuck there for over half an hour. The minutes ticked by. Soon it was already way past 7 and and I was still stuck. As I crawled through the congestion, I tried to hide my plate number by staying close to the vehicle in front. But as luck would have it, I ended up being the last vehicle through the traffic light. Worse, I got stuck in the middle of the intersection with my rear plate exposed. Soon enough, one of the blue boys walked up and knocked on my window. Good thing he let me go when I explained I just got stuck in the congestion and that I’m just on the way to the office of a government agency which the company shares the building with. Talk about [agency] name dropping. Whew!

UPDATE: Learned it’s the first day of classes. No wonder traffic was horrible.