Slide For Life

I was supposed to play airsoft yesterday morning. Unfortunately, when I checked my battery, I found out it didn’t charge even though I left it supposedly charging all night. I was left with a non-functional AEG. So I decided to instead just go watch my friends play with the guest team, a largish airsoft team. When I got there, everyone were gearing up and started playing soon after. The games were skirmish-type BUT with respawn (yeech!). People keep rotating into the game and they were just pumping pellets everywhere. All regrets I had for being unable to play evaporated right then and there.

Wasted morning? Not quite. Beside the game area, there’s a rappelling tower with a slide attached to it. It had been under construction before but now people were using it: rappelling and sliding down. Naturally, we got interested. As luck would have it, my friends know the people facilitating the activity. So we went up the tower and slid down. Quite a rush since it was my first time. I suppose, though, it could have been more fun if we didn’t put on a safety harnesses. Risk sure is a strong drug :D