Rating: 4/5
Month: April 2006
So this noon, Paul and I went to Han’s at Shangri-La to get replacement bulbs. Paul had recently upgraded his headlight bulbs to brighter Philips DiamondVision white-light bulbs. His headlights looked absolutely great and I have decided I’ll also get Philips bulbs though not the white-light version. Also something that doesn’t require upgrading to ceramic sockets and relays which he needed to do because of his bulbs’ higher wattage.
Luckily for me, Philips has just such a product: the VisionPlus. It has 50% brighter than stock bulbs without requiring the aforementioned ceramic sockets and relays. We installed the bulbs earlier this evening just before leaving the office. It was pretty easy and in no time they were installed. I flicked the switch and lo and behold: There was LIGHT! I’m not sure if it’s 50% brighter but it sure is brighter. They work just as advertised and, considering the importance of light, I don’t see why people shouldn’t go for these bulbs when their stock bulbs eventually fail.
Rating: 5/5
Yesterday, I spent an afternoon playing airsoft. It was the best time I’ve had playing airsoft in months. Granted, I haven’t been playing all that much but during those times when I did play, I had been turned-off by the crowded game sites, the generally poor quality of opponents (tactics, ethics, personality, etc), the emphasis on form (costumes, gizmo guns, etc), and politics. Yesterday was different. There was just six of us but all were tactically-oriented people. And although there is still an element of form involved, the primary focus was on tactics. This resulted us playing a lot of fast-paced games. The repetition honing our tactical sense and the fast pace giving us a bit of a workout. It was quite refreshing.
Rating: 4/5